Even 30 years martial arts experience or a being a 6th Dan black belt does NOT guarantee anything whatsoever!

A man has been arrested after a woman
was stabbed to death and another man
was wounded. She was already dead at the

There is no further information. You wonder
whether it was an intruder...or some so called
crime of passion.

Of course, the media loves reporting this.
It has IMPACT.

Made me wonder all over again about being
attacked by someone with any kind of weapon.
We have covered it here before. It has become
more frequent over the years.

Over the years many articles have been written
for martial arts publications on the subject of
disarming a weapon wielding attacker. Each system
has their own methods and ideas.

Many top-class martial artists have shown in
photo strips their particular techniques for
stopping a weapon assault, with what LOOKS
like relative ease.

The subject should NOT be treated lightly.
Disarming an assailant is highly dangerous. It
is not impossible but EXTREMELY hazardous.

Even 30 years martial arts experience or a
being a 6th Dan black belt does NOT
guarantee anything whatsoever.

You MUST cultivate the right mental attitude,
you must accept the dangers, accept you may
be hit, cut, stabbed,etc., accept there may be
blood, pain, fear, panic, then learn to blot
all that out and have just one thought -

Keep that single minded attitude that whatever
happens you WILL fight on and win; you will NOT
be a victim.

Constant, serious and intense training with
realistic techniques are the only way to stand
a chance. Notice I said 'chance' - there are no

In the end, the odds of this happening to you
remain low despite all you see and hear on TV!